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Air Cargo
Hidden CASS Profits: Data Shows That There’s $65M+ In Revenue Leakage That Can Be Used to…
It’s no secret that the air cargo industry is fraught with invoicing issues. A byproduct of this is the hundreds of auditing firms burdening carriers with overcharge claims. But, invoicing errors are not a one-sided issue. The data we’ve…
Myth of Market Pricing Contributes to $250M Air and $1B Ocean Loss
Whether you got into the international freight business yesterday or have been around to watch the dawn of containerization, you’re probably familiar with the fact that Air and Ocean freight rates are driven by “market pricing” for…
Airlines: 5 Signs You’re Under-billing Cargo Revenue
Your CASS adjustment rate is above 1%. Yes, CASS adjustments usually are the result of an overcharge to the customer.